
When we started walking the coast of England we had no intention that this would become a major lifetime project. Having to make a last-minute arrangement for our summer holiday in 1987, we said "Let's go to the nearest piece of coast and see how far we can walk along it." It turned out well and we started adding further stretches of coast, initially once every two years, but soon annually, or even twice a year.

We had always enjoyed the coast - there is something refreshingly "edgy" about having the sea always at our side, and one of us was into marine molluscs. We also enjoyed long-distance walking and had long been involved in general natural history recording. This project enabled us to combine all three interests.

You soon discover when embarking on a project like this that you need a few rules, which evolve from the first experiences. Our main rule was that we should walk as close to the coast as possible, which meant beach-walking whenever we could (unlike the official coast paths that largely remain above shore, recognising that at high tides the beach may be inaccessible). The route should also be capable of being a continuous walk, so that when we came to an unfordable river we walked inland along its banks to the first place at which we could cross, whether a bridge or a ferry.

We only carried light packs, so that at the end of each day's walk we had the problem of getting back to our car where we started. Initially we walked back, but soon realised we would be walking the coast twice this way! We used public transport whenever this was available - buses or trains, sometimes adjusting our start and finish points to make this easier. Failing this - and it was often not possible - we would phone for a taxi (an increasingly costly option over the years). Having our car with us gave us more freedom as to where we could stay at night - and after a day walking and only light food we were usually ready for being spoiled by a good meal and a comfortable bed! Even so, we stayed on the coast itself whenever there was a decent option.

Each walk was made for enjoyment, it was not a route-march to see how quickly we could get it finished. We therefore took it gently at times when passing through pleasant scenery or where there were many plants or creatures to record.

In terms of biological recording, we systematically noted every bird, butterfly, creature or sea-shell that we came across, sometimes spending time searching for the shells. We could not record every plant in the same way - there are too many common ones - so we were more selective, noting all coastal plants and any others that were not run-of-the-mill.

In our daily posts, edited from our original diaries, we include a star-rating from no star to **** according to our subjective estimate as to how special that day was from the point of view of natural history. This score (and our daily records) will, however, have been affected by the weather - it is difficult to appreciate the environment fully, for instance, in torrential rain, and there are many more butterflies and other insects to be seen in warm sunshine!

A summary of all our natural history records on the walk can be found using this link:

Friday 10 January 2014

Devon: Thurlestone to Cockleridge 8/8/96**


From Thurlestone Golf Course we walked down to the beach and took another look at the dunes, where we found an unusual ground beetle Broscus cephalotes, the nymph of the bug Coreus marginatus, and another bug of south coast dunes, Beosus maritimus.  There was sea rocket, sea holly and rock samphire.  The cliffs were of friable muddy shales with streams supporting great willowherb, sea beet, sea mayweed, bittersweet and the maritime variety of curled dock.  At the risk of wet feet Val rescued a yellow balloon from the surf and tied it higher up the cliff to flourish in the wind, but even as we walked away someone came down to the cove, released it and threw it back into the sea. 
      We walked on towards Bantham, checking out each cove from the cliff-top path, some with very steep climbs.  One such cove north of Loam Castle had a small section of dune backed by cliffs of complicated schistose and quartz geology, very attractive.  There was a little kidney vetch, frosted and spear-leaved orache, and brookweed.  There had been a few cormorants at sea and a few herring gulls over the cliffs so far, but at Bantham Sand there were also black-headed gulls.  There were dunes but there were few flowers – only birdsfoot trefoil, common storksbill, pyramidal orchid and lady’s bedstraw – as the beach was heavily used by holidaymakers despite a lack of facilities.  The main activity seemed to be sandcastles, in great variety but little artistic merit.  There were few shells except round Hams End where the sands border the River Avon (here pronounced “awn”).  We followed the riverbank into Bantham, past some ploughman’s spikenard and the white-flowered variety of ivy-leaved toadflax, which is a brighter green in its stems and leaves. Stone parsley grew outside the Sloop Inn, where we came back for dinner.  We went down a winding lane to the ferry – a small wooden rowing boat with outboard motor for £3 a trip.  We took this to Cockleridge on the other side and we just had an hour to explore here before the last return boat at 4pm.  From the boat we watched a tern diving for fish in the river.  The sands had a lot of sea holly and marram with sea sandwort, carline thistle, sea rocket and ivy broomrape.  There were only a couple of cottages, but plenty of garden escapes, such as a clump of Himalayan clematis Clematis montana with white flowers, everlasting pea, soapwort, rose of Sharon and evening primrose.  Returning on the ferry we walked up the steep hill to Thurlestone and, following a recommendation from a passer-by, stopped off at the Rectory Barn for a home made Devon cream tea, served in the garden by volunteers in aid of Multiple Sclerosis, a great treat for £2.
Thurlestone Beach
Broscus cephalotes

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